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Roquebrun, ermitage et carrièreVTT

Magnificent tour with a breathtaking view.
29 km
+489 m/-457 m


Centrer   Pente   POI

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We strongly recommend taking the tour in the direction we did, as the long climb is mostly on quite accessible road. The descent is more tricky with larger pieces of rocks on the road, which makes it more rewarding.

The trip to the ermitage is done by foot. You can take your mountainbike with you though, it comes in handy on some pieces of the way down. It leads you along 12 crosses, the stations of penitance, and rewards you with a breathtaking 360° view as far as sète/cap d'agde on one hand and the pyrenees on the other. The chapel is accessible and still in use sometimes. As the trip to the ermitage is not a part that can be completely done by bike, it's not mandatory, however, you really should do it for a most splendid view.

Continuing on the way down you encounter an old quarry that can be explored as well. For the rest of the trip the terrain changes and takes you through the vineyards. After a short piece of tarmac the terrain changes again and leads you along the river (Orb) until you take a second small stretch of tarmac before rounding up your trip with a last and nasty climb through the vineyards.

This raps things up and we end up again at the start of our route.

I hope you enjoyed the trip as much as we did, please leave your comments after you've done it.


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Longueur et nombre de points

29.31 km
340 pts
2 marqueurs

Denivelé et altitude

Calculés avec un seuil de 30 mètres et un lissage sur 3 points (corrigé car densité de points faible)
489 m
458 m
509 m
52 m
212 m


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2543OT - Lamalou-Les-Bains / L'Espinouse / Le Caroux / PNR du Haut Languedoc 2545OT - Saint-Chinian / l'Etang de Montady
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