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Black Lines Map VTT

"The dilemma of this route lies in battery management if you are considering a full loop, but it's okay! Having tested the route from different points, I recommend starting from Ordino, following the classic col route. The more playful might venture onto neighbouring trails, but always with a view to managing effort, this col is the most effective solution to gaining height more quickly. Preferably in ECO mode if you want to challenge yourself during the second part of the climb. (?) On the summit ridge, you can see Casamanya on the left and the playground of the day on the right. It?s a face of black rocks where erosion has drawn natural snake-like features in the earth.
27 km
+1575 m/-1560 m


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(?) The fight is on once plunging down the slope of this beautiful black mountain face. The warm-up is intense, but the advantage is getting into it as soon as possible, within the first metres. The following section is more akin to an ordinary mountain excursion, in a gorgeous setting (it's always a nice reward, otherwise it would be less interesting). That next trail is endless single track, which is still my favourite in Andorra to date."

- Kilian Bron


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Longueur et nombre de points

27.24 km
14341 pts

Denivelé et altitude

Calculés avec un seuil de 10 mètres et un lissage sur 5 points
1575 m
1560 m
2581 m
1264 m
1784 m


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